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Venta de empresa: The romanian business exchange
For sale forest industry company with experience in woodworking is seeking for a financial partner to complete a pellet plant.
The construction was begun and has a factory hall 3800mp and the total investment amounts to approximately € 4 million, with funding from the state 50% by environmental funds provided by the environment fund administration (afm).
Up to this point have been completed first phase of the project: construction and development technological hall the second tranche payment and delivery line pelleting technology.
Follow for implementation: reception line pelleting technology.
Assembly line pelleting technology.
Reception hall construction and technological development.
Amount of investment required amounts to € 800,000, the company has already a supplier who can provide the materials and equipment necessary for technological lines and the amount invested 50% could be recovered when the reception equipment is made and afm can disburse 50% of amount of technology.
Actual capacity production line for producing pellets is of 4.5 - 6 tons / hour, depending on the type of material used, the operating capacity of the technological line was projected to 5100 kg / h finished product. Because technological line will operate continuously being shut down for inspection and technical review, the company will work on average 22 hours a day for 25 days per month, resulting in a maximum production of 2,805 tons / month.
De 250.001 a 500.000 €
Más detalles de este anuncio
Año de constitución: | 2013 |
Ventas anuales: | Confidencial |
Núm. de empleados: | Confidencial |
EBITDA: | Confidencial |
Beneficios netos último año: | Confidencial |
Beneficios último año: | No |